Our Services
Residential elevators require regular maintenance checks in order to remain compliant with safety regulations and ensure they are safe for all users. Routine maintenance will extend the life of your equipment, reduce shut-down calls and down time for your elevator.
Our Service Options
Provides an annual maintenance visit
Priority scheduling
10% off our standard labor rates during normal business hours
10% discount on parts
Rate Locking
This includes an annual maintenance visit
One free repair call (annually) during regular business hours
Priority scheduling
20% off parts and labor.
Rate locking
This includes an annual maintenance visit,
Two complimentary call back visits per year
Priority scheduling
50% off labor and travel time rates
30% off parts
Rate Lock in
What is serviced?
So what do our technicians typically do on service?
Every elevator is different and has different service needs but they all require some form of maintenance to keep them running smoothly and make sure they live long, healthy lives.
Not all moving parts need lubrication, in fact, applying a solution to some components can weaken them and cause the need for major repairs. Knowing what to lubricate, oil, or apply grease to is as important as the task itself.
Cleaning contacts
Your elevator has several safety devices and these often use metal contact bridges to tell the controller when it is safe to travel. Keeping these cleaned and checking for wear will make sure your elevator continues to function properly.
Although newer elevator are extremely safe, these safeties need to checked and maintained on a regular basis. Stopping devices, slack rope switches, terminal switches, and leveling systems are the foundation of your elevator’s operation. Making sure these are all in working order and nothing impedes their function is important in the safe and reliable operation of your equipment.
Hydraulic elevator use a piston/ram system to lift the elevator. leaking seals and low fluid can have disastrous effects. We check seal integrity and fluid levels on your elevator to make sure cavitation does not damage your elevator.
Traction elevators use a counter-balance system of weights and “ropes”, heavy metal wires or bands, that lift the car up and lower it down. These will eventually begin to wear and should be observed for specific signs of wear or damage.
PVE Pneumatic Lifts
PVE elevators use an air pump system to lift and lower the elevator. Maintaining the seals and making sure the valve pumps are working correctly are crucial to the long life of your equipment.
Service Details
Provides an annual maintenance visit, scheduled by the owner, to clean, lubricate and test safeties and operation. During normal business hours. 9am - 5 pm Monday through Friday excluding national holidays.
Priority scheduling provides access to our technicians over open order calls.
10% off our standard labor rates during normal business hours. 9am - 5 pm Monday through Friday excluding national holidays.
10% discount on parts.
Rate lock in with maintained plan.
One, Two, Three year service agreement options.
Discounts available for multi-year or multi-unit agreements
Cost Range: $250-$550
Provides an annual maintenance visit, scheduled by the owner, to clean, lubricate and test safeties and operation. During normal business hours. 9am - 5 pm Monday through Friday excluding national holidays.
Includes up to two hours for an service call on 9am – 5pm annually. Non-accumulative & excludes holidays.
Priority scheduling provides access to our technicians over open order calls.
20% off our standard labor rates during normal business hours. 9am - 5 pm Monday through Friday excluding national holidays.
20% discount on parts.
Rate lock in with maintained plan.
One, Two, Three year service agreement options.
Discounts available for multi-year or multi-unit agreements
Cost Range: $450-$850
Provides an annual maintenance visit, scheduled by the owner, to clean, lubricate and test safeties and operation. During normal business hours. 9am - 5 pm Monday through Friday excluding national holidays.
Includes up to four hours for an service call on 9am – 5pm annually. Non-accumulative & excludes holidays.
Includes up to two hours for an Emergency service call on Saturday or Sunday 9am – 5pm annually. Non-accumulative & excludes holidays.
Priority scheduling provides access to our technicians over open order calls.
50% off our standard labor rates during normal business hours. 9am - 5 pm Monday through Friday excluding national holidays.
30% discount on parts.
Rate lock in with maintained plan.
One, Two, Three year service agreement options.
Discounts available for multi-year or multi-unit agreements
Cost Range: $850-$1,200
The elevator will need to be inspected and serviced prior to plan starting. You will then have 30 days from service to sign up. There may be a charge to inspect, service, and repair elevator.
In Area One Technician: $225 Hour (Travel Time Included)
In Area Tw-Person Team: $265 Hour (travel Time Included)
Out-of-Area One Technician: $285 Hour (plus one hour minimum travel time @ $200 per hour)
Out-of-Area Two Person Team: $350 Hour (plus one hour minimum travel time @ $200 per hour)
“Renewable consumable” items such as batteries, light bulbs & lighting fixtures inside the cab
“Underground” piping &/or jack assemblies.
“Ropes” or hoist way cables.
“Beyond our control” items such as acts of nature, floods, fire, obsolete equipment and/or manufacturers, vandalism, misuse, electrical surges, environment, obsolescence and/or damage from another problem, person and/or company, this applies to parts and labor required for repairs.
Items &/or labor required to meet code compliance (including fees, fines, permitting).
Structural of hoist way, pit, machine area &/or doors. Electrical & phone lines.